Thursday, April 16, 2009

This is why i`m HOT. Hahaha. Dah lama gila aku tak update blog aku.
skarang bz laaa.. maklum laa dh nk dekat final exam. kene skor babe.
by the way nk tau x, soon to be i have a new car. hahaha. best gila kot. tp syg kereta lama gua dh nk kene jual. kereta tu dh merajuk dengan dunia ni (dah uzur). hahaha. so buat masa skarang aku patah kaki. so duduk rumah study dengan cemerlangnya. hahaha. sabtu ni kawan aku buat PP kat hotel melaka. waaa. thats a good time to realease tension. but i cannot go. because i have to study. but WTF man, thats a really good opportunity man. fuck if i dont go. hahaha. kene bawa banyak vitamin e. wish me luck ok? hahaha. so i think thats a story that i want to share with u. sorry guys. ada cerita gua cerita ok? bye bye

Monday, March 9, 2009

what will happend to you, you still my bestie!

razman, sy harap awk bangun dr tido kt icu tu. sy mmg xsuke awk tido lame sgt. 7hb sy dtg lawat awk tp awk xsedar lg. 8hb sy dtg lg tp awk xbgun2 lg. gf awk nangis2 smp sekse diri die. plz jgn buat org yg awk syg sedih. plz wake up from your bed! sy harap sgt awk sedar dan cepat sembuh. to kak su [baru tahu sape tu kak su. hahaha] jage diri u k?


kak su aka awek man msg aku ckp man dh sedar. Alhamdulillah. syukur man dh sedar. harap2 ade improve dr sebelumnye. man, sy harap sgt2 awk ok dn sembuh cepat!

Monday, February 23, 2009


TELNET is a telecomunication network protocol used on the internet or local area network [LAN] connection. The term telnet is also refers to software which implements the client part of the control. Telnet is a protocol that allows you to connect to remote computers [called host] over a TCP/IP network [such as internet].
You use software called a telnet client on your computer to make a connection to a telnet server. With TELNET, you log on as a regular user with whatever privilages you may have been granted to the specific application and data on tht computer.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009

public speaking result

16.02.09 - 9 a.m im done with public speaking. waaa.
relax time! hahaha! i`ve got the highest mark! hahaha. thanks madam norhayati. i love u!